Thursday, October 15, 2009

Little moments in life..

Some moments that I cherish…

Warm sunshine touching my heart, kissing my shoulders on a soft ticklish wintry morning

Sipping hot, boiling green tea and feeling it’s each granule sink into your senses.

The Beautifully lighted house and the markets buzzing with people (and there families) for Diwali.. the season silently whispers some beautiful stories of happiness..

A ray of hope, enthusiasm

A spark of curiosity, inquisitiveness in my student’s eye when I leave the class

A stranger’s happy smile/ greeting

My faith in me.. When it bounces back to me like a little naughty kid with mischief in eyes and lot of energy

The way one can be so stupid being in love!

Few things that annoy me…

Loud nonstop honking to over take.. what’s your problem? why are you yelling..

My faith vaporizing leaving me lost without positivity

Noise... Someone nagging and complaining all the time.. spare me, can I mute the volume??

Last not the least The way one can be so stupid being in love ;-)

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