Monday, March 20, 2006

Patterns to creative thinking...

Hi junta!
Here’s some “probable” interesting introspection I like to highlight about the creative thought process and pattern to it, which most of us don’t realize too often. I highly recommend this reading to those who think of creativity as a cliché, or a stereotype phrase used for eccentric lost people….
My perspective is inference from the new avenues of information that I’ve been referring to on the same subject…

How dictionary defines creative thinking and creativity:-
“the intellectual fruitfulness of a creative imagination”

“passing above and beyond ordinary bounds; "a flight of fancy"; "flights of rhetoric"; "flights of imagination"

“the formation of a mental image of something that is not perceived as real and is not present to the senses; "popular imagination created a world of demons"; "imagination reveals what the world could be"

Is Creativity a natural instinct?
Creativity distorts or dodges reality to create fantasy.
Conventionally people believed that creativity is the possession of artistic caliber which is a natural instinct or an inborn talent. But actually creativity doesn’t imply artistic caliber, - being skilled, artistic and creative are three different platforms all together they can be easily interlinked and overlapped but are three different concepts.
Creativity actually incorporates learning from our experiences, knowledge, surroundings and observations and adds a creative twist to it. It walks the line between what is there and what can be created out of it! Design pundits and modern thinkers strongly believe that creative thinking can be taught and generated.

Is creativity only intuitive?
Yes a part of it surely is.. “BUT” what sparks that intuition.. How we get the strong gut feeling?
In any surrounding we automatically tend to form certain patterns which are an intangible & eclectic combination of observations & perceptions and draw certain inferences and conclusions that are primarily a constituent of our unconscious mind. These we term as “intuitions”. Even though our mind does works, all the time, to preserve “intuitions” it is @ a very abstract level and does not involve cognitive part of our brain so we are often unable to track down the logically essence of an intuition.
If we practice to implement the same "Intutive" design approch, converting the process @ a congnitive level, by rationalizing the input data we can discovery far better patterns and involving more minds in such a process can multifold effective creative thinking for more far-sighted, diverse and "profit making" ideas.

P.S. There is loads more i'll like to share on design methodology and tools to creative thinking .. but giving too much @ a time doesn't give time to seep in...btw wud really like a feed back and intense discussion from readers on the same.
Here's a nice quote i'll like to leave everyone with... till next time (do post ur responses)
"Design is so critical it should be on the agenda of every meeting in every single department." Tom Peters

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would like to strongly disagree on the belief that creative thinking or creative thinkers are different from a more logical thinkers or people who believe in having proof and results for something. In fact creative process can be more fruitful if the direction is specific & the thinking is logical.
See u defined creativity and creative thinking, but what about the fundamental word. Creative!! How could you miss that? The meaning of creative as per dictionary is
# Productive; creating.
# Characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative.
So what are we looking at? Again what do we mean by imaginative. It can be explained as the state of mind which is able to comprehend events and situations which necessarily are not taking place at that particular moment or in a larger context not experienced by the person. So creative thinking is the ability to think of different horizons and paradigms effectively without having actually experienced it. So can it be only natural or sudden? I believe it not.
Well, it can be cultivated and nurtured. Creativity or any process which requires the mind to do a lot of working requires a open mind. It requires open eyes, open ears and closed mouth. It requires the assimilation of thoughts and thought processes of as many people as possible. What this leads to is a sea of opinions, views, thoughts, ideas and directions. The mind has to keep every idea, every thought, every experience in sight when that creative process has to be started. The power of mind then starts showing results. Every image conjured or feeling evoked results in taking us in a world which we may not have experienced but comprehend nevertheless. Well, like u, I too have lost out on wht else i wanted to say. so would continue later.