Tuesday, February 14, 2006

"I think therefore I am"

Quoting Rene Descartes, “I think therefore I am”…
The statement institutes a strong interrelationship between ‘Res Extensa’ (extended substance) and ‘Res Cogitans’ (thinking substance)
Everything evolved from an atom…but what makes Human a civilization, ruler/caretaker of earth and everything evolving on its facade is ‘Res Cogitans’ (thinking substance). Our grey matter enables us to feel, think, express and dwell upon.
‘Xpress’ that’s what I concerned out here, which is why I thought of starting to blog, so as to Xpress feelings, thoughts and inspirations that I dwell on!
Therefore I’ll christen my blog as “Imprints of my Muse”

35% PHILO.
Residual BORING


Unknown said...

Well, were looking forward to have a insight on your thoughts and thought process, and what better way then blog 2 xpress. initially a thought the url as a new bridge / train between india n pak. but in hind sight it indeed is, a bridge between thinking people. Good to have u on blogging. And, it certainly looks like u r working hard on ur GRE. Best of luck for both.

shruti said...

;-) caugth me there...thought wht better way to prepare for GRE;-P
well thaxs so much...u've truely motivated me to cast off my lassitude and pen sm thoughts. BOL! u'll have to bear the blogs now;-P

Varun Rajkumar said...

hi,really interesting stuff there...regarding the way your blog evolved...
I got to your blog through dave's...
So the best of luck, to both your GRE and ofcourse life in general!!

keep Bloggin!!

shruti said...

thaxs vikram. do keep posted abt ur opnion...though m quite laid bak ..it won't b too happening & updated blog. and do fwd me ur blog link.